PR services for the modern age


How to move forward

On a short-term or ongoing basis, DOTDOTDOTMUSIC will meet with you to evaluate your strategies for public relations and career development.  A three-hour consultation can help you gain a holistic view of your current status and goals, resulting in concrete recommendations for further action.  Potential topics may include:

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of promotional materials: website design and navigation, textual content, publicity photos, mailing pieces

  • Upcoming/potential projects: which offer the best opportunities for branding, increased visibility, and career development, and how to maximize those opportunities

  • Identifying potential partners, allies, resources for wish-list projects and impending initiatives

  • Referrals: professional partners (legal, managerial, financial) of proven excellence

  • Intangibles: aesthetic direction, fresh ideas, what to do next? 

Shine a little more brightly

What is branding?  It refers to the totality of ways through which an artist or organization can establish a unique and compelling identity in the marketplace.  When your verbal and visual materials work together to form an image that accurately and memorably reflects your artistic personality, that's successful branding. 

DOTDOTDOTMUSIC can provide you with an extra pair of eyes and ears to evaluate the ways you present yourself.  Does your website design reinforce the style of your copy, or pull in another direction?  Subtle changes of tone and emphasis can make a big difference.  If your logo or website need a fresh look, we can partner with a talented designer for minor tweaks or a major overhaul.  We look at the big picture so you can take control of your image, and shine just a little more brightly.  

Copy that!

We believe that good publicity writing can be accurate and informative without being academic. It is vivid and lively without being condescending. It is responsive to context; it conveys the sense of excitement that a listener might experience upon hearing something wonderful for the first time.

A well-written press release, biography, or mission statement can serve as a powerful marketing tool.  It can bring your artistic narrative to life, reflecting the creative vitality that drives your work.